Here I sit during week 3 of a government-issued mandatory quarantine, and I can’t help but feel that there is a divine purpose to this madness. Maybe this is God’s way of saying “Go to your room and think about what you have done”.
Maybe we have been placed in “time out” for focusing on the wrong things for so long.
What Did We Do Wrong?
I for one have realized during this time that I spent too much time and energy on things that now don’t seem that important. Monetary gains have been wiped out. Jobs have been placed on hold. Entertainment, sports, and movies, have been stopped in their tracks. All the hustle and bustle of our everyday life, trying to build the “American dream” has come to a sudden halt. Airplanes are grounded. Car lots have been filled to their capacity with idle rental cars from vacations being canceled.
What are we left with now? Plain and simple, we are left with time. The world’s most precious commodity has been gifted to us all.
The Gift We Have Been Given
More time with family.
More time with self.
More time with thoughts.
More time to contemplate.
More time to pray.
More time to cook.
More time to eat.
More time to read.
More time to meditate.
More time to write.
Focus on what is important
My hope is that when all of this is over, we always remember the lessons we have learned during the quarantine.
May we guard our time more than we guard our money.
May we guard our time more than we guard our jobs.
May we guard our time more than we guard our possessions.
If we do this, then maybe, just maybe we will not have to go to time out again. At least not any time soon.