COVID Conundrum #1: Was I Thoughtful And Kind?

When the world rages on and all seems to be lost, look in the mirror and ask this question at the end of each day… was I thoughtful and kind in all of my deeds?

When your neighbor is scared of the news and hoards what is perceived to be rightfully his, take a steady deep breath and ask yourself this… was I thoughtful and kind in all of my deeds?

When your everyday normal has suddenly shifted to something scary and painful. Take comfort in knowing that you have a special power to control what you can control, and think to yourself… was I thoughtful and kind in all of my deeds?

We Have Been Changed Forever

There is no doubt our lives have been changed forever because of the global pandemic that is upon us. People have lost loved ones, jobs, income, and normalcy.  In the coming days, there will be countless more to lose. With all of the loss, one can often feel that all is lost and feel that we are not in control.

It’s during times like these that we need to dig deep and get back to the basics of life and living. Control what you can control and let the rest roll like a drop of morning dew. 

My Mantra For COVID-19

The mantra that I have adopted that keeps me going strong and steady with each passing day is this… “Was I thoughtful and kind in all of my deeds”. During times of stress and unease, we can often resort back to doing what is easy. It’s easy to snap at our children and loved ones. It’s easy to become anxious with each headline we read. It’s easy to comment on social media with vitriol instead of love. It’s easy to spend time with negative self chatter. 

Control What We Can Control

Yes, it’s true, you undoubtedly have suffered during this time in one way or another. We cannot control the things that happen to us. So, let’s get back to simplicity. Let’s control what we can control even though it may be hard. Do something different than what you are used to when times get tough. Do difficult things during times of difficulty because that is the secret to escape the darkness. Each difficult task is like a rung on a latter propelling us upward out of the depths of despair. 

Do Hard Things

It’s hard to give when we feel like there is not enough to go around, give anyway. 

It’s difficult to be nice when others are focused on themselves, be nice anyway.

It’s hard to be grateful when it seems all is lost, be grateful anyway. 

It’s hard to have faith when what we once knew to be true has been altered, be faithful anyway. 

We will survive

We will get through this current state we are in, as well as those difficulties waiting in the cue. We always do. We always survive, that’s why humans have lasted this long. We are survivors. 

The question is, at what cost will we survive? During each and every catastrophic event in the history of man, there seem to be certain personalities that emerge. There is the victim and its followers, the tyrant and its followers, and the hero. 

Be the hero of this tragedy. 

Optimism Chant

Let us all pledge today that, when this difficult time has passed, we will be remembered as the hero. The one that stood up and led his family, his friend, his co-workers, neighbors, and all within reach. Be the person that leads others with the banner of optimism and a chant at the end of each difficult day saying this: I was thoughtful and kind in all of my deeds, I took the difficult path, and I am the hero of this catastrophe.





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About J.D. Westphal

Founder of Happiness Trifecta & husband to an wife. Come along as we adventure together!